Matthew Stanley

Senior Software Engineer

43 Holbrook Street, Apt. #2 | Boston, MA 02130
+1 (802) 989-2201 |
[ pdf ]


Middlebury College

Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science, summa cum laude
Feb 02, 2012 - Feb 02, 2016

Major: 3.93/4.0 Overall: 3.91/4.0
Phi Beta Kappa, College Scholar 6 Semesters


Programming Langauges
Python, Java, Bash, JavaScript, TypeScript, Go
Libraries & Frameworks
Sprint Boot, React, Spark, Flink, Airflow
Operating Systems
Unix, macOS, Linux (Arch, Fedora)
Developer Tooling
Git, Maven, Buildkite, InfluxDB, Datadog, Grafana, Kibana
Cloud Platforms
Google Cloud Platform
Data Storage
Avro, Parquet, PostgreSQL, Aerospike, Google BigQuery, Google Cloud Storage, Kafka


Staff Software Engineer (Data and Machine Learning Platforms)

Apr 04, 2018 - present

  • Automated compaction of small files across Wayfair's on-premise HDFS cluster, optimizing file sizes to the cluster's block size, realizing a 98% reduction in file count and drastically improving the cluster's performance and life-expectancy.

  • Designed and implemented configuration-based ETL framework to generate standardized, foundational data assets at scale for Wayfair's Machine Learning and Analytics platforms, drastically reducing data sprawl.

  • Led the engineering effort of multiple high-impact migrations for Wayfair's high-throughput event ingestion platform (from single to multi-datacenter architecture, from operating on on-premise infrastructure through hybrid cloud to fully on-boarded onto Google Cloud Platform), enabling datacenter-local processing with improved stability and decreased latency.

  • Drove multiple cost saving initiatives across my team's platforms, including: optimizing automated Cloud Storage policies, tuning Google Dataproc cluster usage and consolidating duplicative processes, leading to $10MM+ annualized in reduced spending.

  • Lead an agile team of 4 engineers working on the control plane systems for Wayfair's next generation streaming event ingestion and sourcing platform, focused on improving data agility at scale through a data mesh architecture.

Kitchen Manager (Back of House)

American Flatbread
Jun 06, 2010 - Mar 03, 2018

  • Trained on all positions in the restaurant, both front and back of house. Proficient enough to smoothly manage 400 cover nights. Create and execute catering menus for parties exceeding 100 individuals.

  • Design and oversee the creation of new menu items and weekly specials alongside the head chef.

  • Manage the kitchen staff in the absence of the head chef.

Teaching Assistant (Department of Computer Science)

Middlebury College
Sep 09, 2014 - Dec 12, 2015

  • Computing for the Sciences Fall 2015: Graded Python programming assignments for a class of 60 students, along with providing one-on-one mentoring in a lab class of 30 students.

  • Data Structures Spring 2015: Provided both numerical and written feedback on Java programming assignments for a class of 60 students.

  • Computing for the Sciences Fall 2014: Graded a class of 30 students on both style and correctness of programming assignment solutions written in Python.

Research Assistant (Department of Computer Science)

Middlebury College
May 05, 2015 - Jul 07, 2015

  • Designed and developed two graphical applications to compute and visualize a selection of matching costs for stereo image pairs. These applications also allow the user to manipulate the images including: omnidirectional movement and horizontal/vertical image warping around an anchor point.

  • Implemented both a native and web-based application in C++ and Javascript respectively.

  • Using the WebGL API and GLSL, parallelized the compute-intensive image processing to take advantage of GPGPU allowing for interactive speeds within a web browser environment.

Research Assistant (Department of Chemistry)

Middlebury College
Jun 06, 2012 - Aug 08, 2012

  • Synthesized the protein methionine aminopeptidase (METAP 2) to be utilized in researching the enzyme’s role in angiogenesis.

  • Used UV-Vis spectroscopy to test for quality and quantity of protein produced.

  • Created and presented a poster for the Middlebury College research symposium.